Small Steps You Can Do to Better Manage Your Anxiety
Stress is a constant and visible part of life; However, if you have an anxiety disorder, your anxiety can quickly take over your life. The good news is that you can do small things to manage and reduce your stress. These are small methods you can do today to help you manage and hope to overcome your anxiety.
Breathe Deeply
Breathing from the Diaphragm makes full reply and help you to go to the battle or full response to the correct. Breathe in slowly for four counts and hold your breath for about four counts before exhaling slowly for four counts to increase your state of relaxation and calm your anxiety symptoms.
Get Active
One of the most important things you can do to manage your stress is to participate in cardiovascular exercise. If you are not comfortable with exercise, you can start by walking. Take the time to create a list of exercises that you enjoy and incorporate them into your weekly routine.
Get Enough Sleep
When you don’t sleep well, it can trigger your anxiety. If you have trouble sleeping at night, try doing something relaxing before you go to bed. If your brain starts buzzing right before you go to bed, try writing down your worries for 10 to 15 minutes before the day.
Say Encouraging Things
Speaking positive and specific words to yourself can help you put things into perspective. You can try telling yourself that “anxiety is just an emotion, like any other emotion,” to help you make sense of your anxiety symptoms.
Avoid Caffeine
Managing your anxiety is as much about the things you do as the things you don’t do. Certain substances, such as caffeine, can make anxiety symptoms worse. The last thing you want to do, if you’re feeling stressed, is to drink something that makes you happy. Take a break
Building breaks into your daily schedule can be beneficial. Breaking away from hard convention can be refreshing. A simple change of scene or pace or switching to a different activity can be beneficial.
Stress can be overwhelming and can leave you exhausted. Taking these small steps can help reduce your anxiety symptoms and help you cope better.