If You Suffer From Anxiety, You’ll Want to Avoid These 5 Foods

It’s possible you already understand that your appetite can be affected by your emotions. However, did you know that what you consume can drastically impact your mood? Certain foods can exacerbate anxiety, which you might not have been aware of. Harvard Health’s research shows that even simple nutritional choices can make a significant difference in how you feel. Here are five foods you should avoid if you suffer from anxiety:

Wheat Bran

Experts consider wheat bran to be a superfood due to its high fiber content and complex, nutty flavors. Unfortunately, its high concentration of phytic acid can significantly increase anxiety. Phytic acid binds to vital mood minerals like zinc and limits their absorption by the body. People with anxiety require adequate levels of zinc to keep their symptoms at bay.


Soy products are high in lean protein but are also rich in protease and trypsin inhibitors. Enzymes like these make it difficult to digest the protein. Soy products, such as tofu, are also high in copper, which has been linked to anxious behavior. If you must eat soy, opt for fermented varieties like miso and tempeh, which are easier to digest.


Coffee is one of the highest concentrated dietary sources of caffeine, which can exacerbate an anxious brain. Research shows that individuals with anxiety disorders are more sensitive to caffeine’s nervous side effects, even in small amounts. Caffeine can also impede the absorption of mood-balancing nutrients like B vitamins and vitamin D.

Whole Wheat Bread

Gluten is a sticking point for many anxious individuals, especially those with celiac disease. Most non-organic wheat is treated with an herbicide called glyphosate, which has been linked to the depletion of mood-stabilizing minerals.

Apple Juice

Unlike whole apples, apple juice lacks slow-digesting fiber and is often packed with refined fructose. Blood level spikes caused by this can trigger an adrenaline rush resulting in symptoms akin to an anxiety attack. Fructose can even alter how the brain responds to stress gene expression.

Anxiety isn’t easy to deal with. By avoiding these anxiety-inducing foods, you can reduce your symptoms and overcome your fears.